Sunday, December 29, 2013

food tips

i've been all over the internet (unintentionally) looking for food saving tips...

it all started with doing some work, then i took a break and pinterested for a bit...and BANG a friend pins this pic:
and i'm speechless!! we tried doing monthly shopping and fell into some pitfalls with food going bad before using it. so we switched up our game plan and went to the biweekly shopping method. we sadly still had some food go bad, but not near as much as when we monthly shopped. so when i saw pin i was all game to learn some more especially since we've been throwing money away! after reading pages from Blissful & Domestic i smacked myself in the forehead and realized i needed to rethink my storing NOT my shopping!!

i am floored that i never thought to rethink my storage. well, Danielle has definitely put some thought into her storage. check out her posts on cutting your grocery bill in half

don't forget to check out fresh produce on a budget
i was so thankful she included this:

if you scroll to the bottom there are some reader tips : 

From mwhip : "one great way to save on your green onions - chop to just above where the white starts and then put the bottoms in a cup of water and the green tops will continue to grow indefinitely. I saw it on pinterest and decided to try it and it really DOES work! i just make sure i dump and rinse the container and roots at least once a week, usually when i clip the stalks and chop em up." 

From tdgogators : "I live in Florida and right now Tomatoes are in Season. I got a bushel for ten bucks! I cut an x in the bottom(just piercing the skin and dropped them into my BIG stock pot of boiling water for a few minutes. I scoop them out as the skin started to peel away from meat of the tomato and into a colander to drain then to a baking rack to cool. I set up an assembly line and just kept boiling, draining and cooling. After they were cool peeled the skin off, put into Quart freezer bags, and into the freezer! Since they were fresh tomatoes they will last for months! I use them for fresh salsa soups and stews. Delish I did this last year and I had tomatoes into the fall!" 

From Jackie : "Great ideas! I also have a copy of America's Cheapest Family--very inspiring. One thing you said about not freezing spinach: when I buy the big Costco bag of spinach, I will chop and cook what we don't need for salad, then freeze in serving size bags. We love having spinach eggs, and the small bags of spinach thaw quickly. Then you just squeeze out the extra water between paper towels and it's ready to add to your eggs." WHAT??? we eat spinach at least 2x/week!

From Katie Vyktoriah : "I'm not sure if you know this or not, but another way to keep things like berries fresher for longer is to rinse them in a mixture of water/vinegar (10 parts water, 1 part vinegar) for about 5 minutes. Then drain and put in bags or whatnot. It kills all the mold spores and any germs that are on them, and means they last a week or so longer than normal." i actually just read this on pinterest and am super excited to try it out!!

From Casey : "I buy romain lettuce at Costco and then wash and spin it. Then we roll it up in paper towels and put it in ziplock bags... It can last up to a month!" OMG we go through lettuce like it's going out of style WHY did i not know this?????